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'But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with

wings like eagles, ...' 

Isaiah 40:31

Dear Friends,

Shalom Aleichem! (Peace Be Upon You!)

Welcome to our website. Enjoy watching the pics and reading the info. You are very special and your visit means a lot to us. May the Grace of Yahoshuah, the Son of God, the Love of Yahwah, Father God and the Anointing and Fellowship of the Ruach HaKodesh, The Holy Spirit, abide in your heart and home now and always.


You can be a part of the Family and an Active AbundantLife VVIP (Value Vision Increase Partner).

Together we can establish His Church, expand His Kingdom and exalt His Name!



Agape Always,
Apostle Dr. Jerry J. D’Souza, Rev. Dr. Isabella J.

D’Souza & Joybell Esther D’Souza (Founders).


WhatsApp Image 2020-09-30 at 11.55.50 AM
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